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Initialize Liquidity

Initial liquidity
Base token
Quote token
Initial price
Fee Tier

How To Create a Liquidity Pool

Select the token that you just created.

Enter the amount tokens you would like to include in your liquidity pool. (Recommended 95% or more)

Select a Quote token, SOL recommended.

Enter the amount of SOL you would like to pair with your token. (Recommended 10+ SOL)

Select your LP fees. Liquidity providers earn 84% of the trading fees for every swap in the pool and 16% goes to Raydium. (Recommended 0.25%)

Click “Initialize Liquidity Pool” and approve transaction. The cost to create a liquidity pool is .5 SOL.

In return, you will receive Liquidity pool tokens. To burn liquidity so it shows locked, head to

Note: The amount of SOL you enter as your starting LP determines the starting price of your token.

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